Definition of Third World

1. Noun. Underdeveloped and developing countries of Asia and Africa and Latin America collectively.

Definition of Third World

1. Noun. Those countries not aligned with the west or the east during the Cold War. ¹

2. Noun. (context: sometimes pejorative) The developing countries of Asia, Africa and Latin America. ¹

3. Noun. (alternative spelling of Third World) ¹

¹ Source:

Lexicographical Neighbors of Third World

Third Baron Rayleigh
Third Camp
Third Crusade
Third Epistel of John
Third Freedom Rights
Third Reich
Third Way
Third World
Third World War
Thirteen Colonies
Thirty Years' War
Thiry's fistula
Thiry-Vella fistula
Thistlethwaite's algorithm
Thlaspi arvense

Literary usage of Third World

Below you will find example usage of this term as found in modern and/or classical literature:

1. Europe: Dimensions of Peace by Björn Hettne (1988)
"The economic and military presence of ;reat powers in the Third World is somehow crystallized in them. The ;pecific nature of the presence of one or more ..."

2. Capital (1888)
"The profound diversity of the Third World inevitably raises the question of the concept ... The Third World did not exist before the second World War. ..."

3. Technology and Innovation in the International Economy by Charles Cooper (1994)
"14 IMPLICATIONS FOR THE Third World? 2.4.1 Introduction Three key questions need to be examined in discussing the implications of biotechnology for Third ..."

4. Dealignment: A New Foreign Policy Perspective by Mary Kaldor, Richard A. Falk, Gerard Holden (1987)
"At the same time, Third World military spending has increased faster than ... The 'deadly connection' between conflict in the Third World and the nuclear ..."

5. Mega-City Growth and the Future by Roland J. Fuchs (1994)
"7 Economic impacts of third world mega-cities: Is size the issue? ... whether or not third world mega-city development is doomed to systemic failure or not. ..."

6. Foreign Policies of the Soviet Union by Richard Felix Staar (1991)
"w THE Third World Less-developed countries (LDCs) make up approximately 66 percent of the world's 159 self-governing political units, occupy some 40 percent ..."

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